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Brain-based illnesses begin in the intestines

Brain-based illnesses begin in the intestines

Depression, Parkinson's, autism: Recent studies indicate that the intestines and their flora play an important role in the development of brain-based illnesses.

People with psychological complaints often suffer from intestinal problems. That is no coincidence – more and more studies are examining the role of microbiota, in other words the bacterial flora of the intestine, in autism, Parkinson's and depression.


For example, in experiments with rats which had the stool of depressed people transplanted into them, the creatures demonstrated depression-like behaviors. In yet another study, an inflammation in the belly fold of these animals also produced behavior similar to depression. Now, even human studies indicate that depressive symptoms go hand-in-hand with an increase in inflammatories.

Parkinson's and autism patients also have a different intestinal flora than healthy people. In both conditions, the balance has been disrupted between good bacteria and those which cause inflammation. Furthermore, autism sufferers have a significantly smaller variety of bacteria.
Parkinson's patients often have more porous intestinal mucosa, making it easier for bacteria and inflammatory substances to migrate into the bloodstream and brain. If this then results in inflammatory processes within the brain, certain nerve cells will die off, which in turn will cause a lack of dopamine. This then produces the motor or symptoms associated with the disease. Mice with Parkinson's are able to move better if a healthy diet increases the number of benign bacteria in their intestines.

Researchers assume that affected patients have a genetic predisposition, in other words an increased risk of developing certain diseases. Under unfavorable circumstances such as stress, air pollution or unhealthy nutrition, the intestinal flora are disrupted and people with genetic predispositions might well indeed become sick. After all, unhealthy nutrition is certain to lead to unhealthy intestinal bacteria.

Fasting according to F.X. Mayr principles is a healthy and holistic method of helping the intestines to recuperate from damage caused by an unhealthy lifestyle. Thanks to a thorough cleansing and gentle nutrition, the intestines can recover and thereby create the foundation for healthy intestinal flora. By teaching the patient healthy eating habits, as well as providing essential vitamins, minerals, trace elements and probiotics, the healthy bacteria in the intestines are able to multiply. In this way, physical ailments are alleviated and illnesses prevented effectively .



Spektrum Magazin der Wissenschaft, edition: Spektrum – Die Woche 06/2018, article "Darm-Hirn-Achse: Eine psychische Störung beginnt im Darm" by Anouk Bercht (translation of an interview with Prof. Dr. Aletta Kraneveld).
Spektrum Magazin der Wissenschaft, edition: Gehirn & Geist 3/2017, article "Mehr Köpfchen durch Verzicht" by Ulrike Gebhardt.

Gesundheitshotel Spanberger | Stoderplatzl 65, A-8962 Gröbming | Phone: +43 3685 22106 0, htlspnbrgrt

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