Dr. F.X. Mayr Birthplace


Dr. F.X. Mayr Birthplace


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Dr. Elisabeth Höller

F.X. Mayr-Kur

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Dr. Elisabeth Höller


  • F.X. Mayr medicine
  • certified diabetes consultant with a focus on patient education (co-developer of the Düsseldorf Model)
  • training in the field of internal medicine 
  • neural therapy
  • Roeder nasal therapy
  • psycho-oncology

As a medical practitioner, F.X. Mayr medicine gives me the opportunity to address the needs of people with love and understanding, and together with them, help them pursue a path to good health that is sensible & doable.

I help people in crises, times of change and in coping with chronic ailments. I have continually expanded my medical expertise by traveling in a variety of cultural circles, including TCM in China, color therapy & plant medicine of the rain forest (Shamanism, Peru).


Gesundheitshotel Spanberger | Stoderplatzl 65, A-8962 Gröbming | Phone: +43 3685 22106 0, htlspnbrgrt

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