Dr. F.X. Mayr Birthplace


Dr. F.X. Mayr Birthplace


Boutique Hotel
Network of doctors
People's experiences
Rooms / Suites
Personal advice

Additional Therapies

SINGLE training

Fitness individual training

Whole body training with a focus on back health. 

We move, strengthen, stretch and relax the whole body, naturally spine-friendly. 

50 minutes


Individual pelvic floor training

We strengthen our pelvic floor, for a strong centre and a good body feeling, for strong abdominal and back muscles, to give support to the lower back and last but not least as a prevention against incontinence.
50 minutes


Individual sessions for spine, - posture and awareness training
Effective relaxation of the back muscles, loosening of the spine according to Dorn Breuss, straightening of the spine in individual steps, raising awareness of healthy posture in various everyday situations.

50 minutes



Group training

per  person

Workshop for a healthy back

With many valuable tips for everyday life, the most important exercises for a strong, flexible and relaxed back and a body in which we feel good.
For small groups, minimum 4, maximum 6 participants.


Qi Gong

Calm flowing movements. Body, mind and breathing come into peace and harmony. 

Group training, minimum 4 participants
Individual sessions possible




Classical yoga exercises for beginners and advanced students. Group training, minimum 4 participants
Individual lessons possible



Crystal Sound Bowl 

Crystal bowls, made from various quartz crystals, serve as musical instruments that produce resonant tones. The sound waves from crystal bowls synchronize with the body's vibrations, inducing deep relaxation and releasing tensions.

Individual lessons possible




medicinal foot BATHS

Schiele Foot Baths

Warming foot baths with essential oils increase blood flow


Detox Foot Baths

An electrolysis foot bath with salt water to remove environmental toxins through the soles of the feet.


Package of 5 Detox Foot Baths

only valid if booked in advance



miscellaneous therapies 

Traditional Urine Analysis

Analyzes the body's metabolic status. These results are important for hunger-free weight loss and in order to develop an optimal nutritional plan.


Fat measurement with bioimpedance

Measurement of height, weight & some body circumferences. The bioimpedance
analysis provides an insight into the water balance, muscle mass and body fat percentage.


Kneipp Treatments

Stimulate the metabolism and enhance blood flow.


Hay-Flower Wrap 

A warming wrap of fragrant hay that relieves cramping, relaxes and promotes blood circulation. The wrap is brought to your room by a therapist and applied on your bed. It soothes and helps your liver detoxify your body.


Magnetic Field Therapy

Magnetic field therapy involves the use of natural and man-made magnets in order to treat various physical complaints and illnesses. By stimulating the cells, the metabolism is improved and the healing process promoted.


Bio-Energetic Food Intolerance Test 

Evaluation of around 150 foods by means of a tensor.


Ear Candle Therapy  

Ear candles are used to promote relaxation, remove excess wax as well as treat other ear-related problems such as ringing in the ears. The warmth of the candle flame changes the pressure within the ear, accelerating the cleansing process. 20 minutes


Ear Examination

15 minutes


Ear Acupuncture Points

Ear pressure points may help relieve pain and tension around the body, including symptoms of tinnitus, headache and earache.

25 minutes



Gesundheitshotel Spanberger | Stoderplatzl 65, A-8962 Gröbming | Phone: +43 3685 22106 0, htlspnbrgrt

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