Dr. F.X. Mayr Birthplace


Dr. F.X. Mayr Birthplace


Boutique Hotel
Network of doctors
People's experiences
Rooms / Suites
Personal advice

You have only truly been somewhere, if you have been there on foot!

Welcome to this Premium Austrian Hiking Region. Whether you are drawn by gentler nature experiences or by the great peaks – our region offers you countless opportunities to explore the surrounding mountains on foot. The selection ranges from family hikes and scenic strolls, to walks past rivers, tarns and healing springs, to full-blown alpine tours and summit conquests.

Many paths can also be enjoyed by mountain bike.

Twice a week, we take a guided hike with you to our most favorite places and secret oases. The difficulty varies according to each group, though we always tend to take things a little easier during fasting therapy.


Gesundheitshotel Spanberger | Stoderplatzl 65, A-8962 Gröbming | Phone: +43 3685 22106 0, htlspnbrgrt

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