Dr. F.X. Mayr Birthplace


Dr. F.X. Mayr Birthplace


Boutique Hotel
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"Design Room Large"

Sleeping like in a grand hotel or rather a touch of Marrakech with a sunny loggia? Our "Design Rooms Large" are hardly comparable in style, but both manage to bring together comfortable luxury, offbeat design and a spacious lifestyle.

Room 28: Sleep like Coco Chanel & Ernest Hemingway at the famous Ritz Paris

Since its establishment in 1898, the Ritz Paris has been a unique institution - a legendary grand hotel that represents the epitome of luxury, style and class. Today, as then, it is a meeting place of the beautiful and the rich.
We were able to acquire some parts of this wonderful contemporary history and redesigned room 28 in 2019 in the style of the Ritz Paris. Of course, the focus was on the original pieces of furniture and how to bring the French elegance, the typical "l'art de vivre" in a small mountain village like Gröbming. Luxury with velvet and silk in noble colors, French esprit through a stylish wallpaper and playful details and last but not least coziness by warm light, large upholstery and a high-quality box spring bed give the antiques from Paris a fitting frame and make room 28 a piece of "grand hotel" in our small boutique hotel.

Room D2 "Grimming": Marrakesh in the Alps

The refreshing fragrance of pine and imposing views of the Grimming – and yet at the same time, feel a little like you are in one of those luxurious Riads of Marrakesh. The colorful velvet, warm natural-stone flooring and, above all, the wallpaper by Élitis, with its extraordinary pattern and powerful colors, as well as occasional Istanbul antiques create a cheerful, oriental atmosphere. Modern designer pieces and a bath by Alessi add finishing touches to the complete picture.

Due to the positive effects of the carefully restored pine furniture on the room climate, plus a hypoallergenic bed by TRECA and the opportunity to disconnect your room from the electrical mains, this room is ideal for a healthy night's sleep.

The loggia, which is protected from the eyes of passersby, faces east. Though even if the weather outside is cold, you can still enjoy the beautiful view of the surrounding mountains from right there in your freestanding bathtub.


Single occupancy € 229,– | Double occupancy € 271,–

Rooms Nos. 28, D2 "Grimming"


If you book for 14 nights or longer, we give you one night free; book for 21 nights or more and receive 2 free nights as our special thank-you.

  • F.X. Mayr Therapy

    F.X. Mayr Therapy
    Pure Mayr Therapy! This package includes all of the clinical services required for Mayr Therapy as well as all meals in accordance with F.X. Mayr guidelines. Excluding accommodation
  • Therapy Package "Small"

    Therapy Package "Small"
    Classic therapy package to accompany the Mayr program with a small, though excellent selection of therapies.
  • Stress-free

    Therapy package to treat stress & mental overload. Pure relaxation!

Arrival and Departure

Arrival should be by 6 p.m. You will then be offered a tour of the hotel and discuss the info folder along with daily schedules for your stay with us. The reception desk is staffed until 9 p.m. If you expect to arrive later, please notify us so we can leave a key for you.

We suggest departing until 12 p.m. This will give you the opportunity to do a little shopping in the morning, quietly pack your suitcase and leave for home without putting yourself under any unnecessary stress.


Our room prices include the following hotel services:

  • your personal daily newspaper
  • high quality materials for a pleasant atmosphere
  • shoe-cleaning  & basic laundry service
  • use of the solid-wood organic sauna and infrared cabin 
  • spa robe & Terry slippers
  • mountain spring water
  • WiFi & TV
  • house library
  • pick-up from the train stations in Gröbming, Schladming & Stainach-Irdning

Gesundheitshotel Spanberger | Stoderplatzl 65, A-8962 Gröbming | Phone: +43 3685 22106 0, htlspnbrgrt

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