Dr. F.X. Mayr Birthplace


Boutique Hotel
Network of doctors
People's experiences
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Organic & Sustainable

The outstanding quality of food is an important component of our philosophy. Only with healthy ingredients, free of harmful substances, can we prepare truly healthful dishes. This is why, when we cook your meals, we only use organic products from Biohof Achleitner and regional farmers. We are also focused on food sustainability, meaning that we make use of seasonal as well as regional fruits and vegetables.

Our Suppliers


Austrian wholesaler for certified organic produce 

RAPS Österreich
produces our custom-ordered soup seasonings without preservatives and in accordance with F.X. Mayr guidelines.

Salzburger Kräuterhof
The Salzburger Kräuterhof guarantees consistent high quality without flavor enhancers or preservatives for our special herbal teas.

Xeis Alpenlachs
Close to Gesäuse National Park, one of the most modern aqua-culture facilities in Austria has been built. Highest water quality and organic-certified fish-farming methods are reflected in the outstanding flavor of Alpenlachs lake char.

Family business with 100% native foods – supplying us, above all, with exceptional cold-pressed oils.

in & around Gröbming:

Ziegenbauer Burgi Kapeundl
For many years now, they have been supplying us with a wide variety of goat products, fresh and of exceptional quality, from their hill farm on the Michaelerberg. If you are interested, we are happy to organize a visit to their farm so you can see their goats and production facilities yourself.

Herb Farmer Christl Percht
Growing on the highest herb farm in Austria are over 300 different medicinal and kitchen herbs. Many years of experience, everything tended by hand!

Gröbming Farm Shop 
Here, many farmers from Ennstal sell their delicious homemade products.

  • F.X. Mayr Therapy

    F.X. Mayr Therapy
    Pure Mayr Therapy! This package includes all of the clinical services required for Mayr Therapy as well as all meals in accordance with F.X. Mayr guidelines. Excluding accommodation
  • Detox

    Therapy package for intensive detoxification of the digestive system & body. Recommended for allergies, chronic intestinal complaints & post surgery.

Gesundheitshotel Spanberger | Stoderplatzl 65, A-8962 Gröbming | Phone: +43 3685 22106 0, htlspnbrgrt

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