Dr. F.X. Mayr Birthplace


Dr. F.X. Mayr Birthplace


Boutique Hotel
Network of doctors
People's experiences
Rooms / Suites
Personal advice

Our network of physicians for your well-being

In 2016, Gesundheitshotel Spanberger began one of the most innovative concepts in modern Mayr medicine: the F.X. Mayr Physicians' Network!

In order to provide our therapy guests with the best possible customized treatment, we invite F.X. Mayr physicians from throughout the German-speaking world to Gröbming. Surrounded by the special atmosphere of F.X. Mayr's birthplace and with our experienced team of therapists, we work together to create a unique treatment concept, one that is distinguished by the outstanding specialization of the doctors themselves as well as long-lasting support.

We are happy to assist you in finding the doctor of your choice.
+43 3685 22106 0


Gesundheitshotel Spanberger | Stoderplatzl 65, A-8962 Gröbming | Phone: +43 3685 22106 0, htlspnbrgrt

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