The F.X.-Mayr Path, which leads from Gröbming via Oberwinkl and Weyern to the Kneipp facility in Lend, was dedicated to the world-famous physician. Along this 6.4 km hiking path, 11 places of relaxation and reflection were created, which, true to the philosophy of the doctor himself, inform and relax, as well as inspire body and soul.
Kneipp therapy keeps you healthy and active. At the end of the F.X. Mayr Path, walkers have the opportunity to stimulate their cardiovascular system by striding through the water, at the same time strengthening their immune system and enjoying the many other positive benefits of the cold water.
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Gesundheitshotel Spanberger | Stoderplatzl 65, A-8962 Gröbming | Phone: +43 3685 22106 0, htlspnbrgrt