Dr. F.X. Mayr Birthplace


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Massages – relaxation & healing

Our masseurs and masseuses are outstandingly trained, providing you with classic healing massages as well as specialized massages throughout the course of your Mayr Therapy.

therapeutic massages 

Classic Massage

Often referred to as a "Swedish massage", this particular massage actually covers a wide spectrum of techniques – from light stroking motions to penetrating deep holds – ideal for relieving muscle tension, especially in the back area. 50 minutes


Manual Lymphatic Drainage

Gentle stroking motions focus only on the uppermost layers of the skin, thereby activating the lymphatic system lying directly beneath. Toxins are removed, the gastrointestinal area is stimulated and excess fluid is drained from the body. Manual lymphatic drainage is very relaxing and can be used for a multitude of conditions, including swelling, migraines, post-surgery and in order to promote wound healing. In general, this technique also helps to alleviate pain. 50 minutes


Connective Tissue Massage

Here, only the uppermost layers of skin are treated intensively. This stimulates blood flow, thereby relieving stubborn muscle tension (especially in the shoulder area). This technique is also ideal for people who constantly suffer from cold feet and hands. 50 minutes


Foot Reflexology Massage

In this massage technique, all of the internal organs and parts of the body are ascribed to certain zones of the foot. Pressure on those individual zones generates impulses, which in turn affect the connected organs. In this way, it is possible to treat headache, discomfort associated with menstruation, general pain conditions etc. 50 minutes



Ayurveda treatments


The traditional Ayurvedic massage. The long, rhythmic stretching movements improve circulation and invigorate the body. 60 minutes



This massage focuses mainly on muscles and joints. Very effective for tension. 60 minutes



This massage promotes circulation, drains the lymph and helps remove dead skin cells. Detoxifying full body peeling. 

60 minutes


Silk gloves massage

A massage with silk gloves. It removes the dead cells and improves the lymph flow. 50 minutes


Jambira Pindasweda (lemon stamp)

Ayurvedic massage therapy with lemon and herbal stamps. Helps with body and joint pain and relieves swelling. 50 minutes



SpeCial massages


Fascia Treatment

Fasciae are structures that run through the whole body and keep it in shape. The holistic treatment uses targeted pressure to help with adhesions of the tissue, against pathological tensions and brings the body into balance. Posture in particular is improved in the long term. Highly recommended for cervical & lumbar spine problems, chronic migraine and calf cramps. 50 minutes


Scar suppression according to Penzel

Scars are emotional, physiological and mechanical blockages that can be reduced by careful manual treatment.


                     Dorn Breuss Massage

The Breuss spinal massage, involves using an oil blend and gentle strokes along the spine to relax muscles, release tension, and encourage the spine's natural healing processes.


Hot Stone Massage

Massage with hot stones that releases tension and dilates blood vessels. The lymphatic activity is stimulated which enables the excretion of harmful substances and an improved metabolism. 50 min


Hot Stone Treatment

Massage with hot stones that releases tension and dilates blood vessels. The lymphatic activity is stimulated which enables the excretion of harmful substances and an improved metabolism. 100 min


Chinese Meridian Treatment

The massage consists of long flowing strokes along the meridians interspersed with specific pressure on acupressure points.It is a style of massage based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture. 55min


Active cupping

Bioenergetic intervention according to Dr. med. Heber. The skin is scratched several times with a small lancet on the areas to be treated. Then a cupping head (glass dome) is put on and tensions and old problems are removed from the body through the negative pressure.


Gesundheitshotel Spanberger | Stoderplatzl 65, A-8962 Gröbming | Phone: +43 3685 22106 0, htlspnbrgrt

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